We have included some useful links and information for your convenience.

Useful Resources
Please see below for some links that may be of assistance to you regarding questions you may have about Occupational Therapy and Speech Pathology Services, as well as Private and Government Health programs.
At EACH, we believe that you and your family are the key people in your child’s life and that you provide their first and most enduring learning experiences.
Uniting Care
Are leaders in crisis response, the protection of vulnerable children, financial resilience and family wellbeing.
Gold Coast Community Child Health (QLD Health)
Community Child Health provides a range of community health and support services for children and their parents or carers to give every child the best possible start in life.
The National Disability Insurance Scheme is a scheme of the Australian Government that funds costs associated with disability.
An ECDP is a program the Queensland Government’s Department of Education has provided for more than 40 years to support children with disability from birth to five years.
Special Needs Toy Library
Our Special Needs Library provides resources to help with the development and rehabilitation of children and adults with special needs.